Day 357 of 356 days
In the Lord's prayer, we ask, "Give us this day our daily bread." And while I believe that this request refers as much to the Bread of Life, it also refers to our daily needs and provisions. In traditions where this prayer is said often, I hope it is not passed over lightly—that all we need, we are to seek from the hand of God. I live this way—daily seeking the God Who provides. I seek not only His provision but also His heart and grace. So, I would be remiss in failing to thank Him for all He does provide—every single day.
Our home is warm enough; we have food on our table. We gather around our table each evening and enjoy a meal—sometimes as simple as soup and bread, and sometimes grander with other provisions. We lack nothing. When you peel the apples for the pie this thanksgiving, maybe hold it in your hand for just a moment—smell its rich sweetness, reflect on the God who makes apples grow, and be glad for the simple gift.
I’m thankful for apples, electricity, blankets, firewood, the gas in our tank, the few nairas in our bank, that all come from the hand of God. Giving thanks for the food before eating has been increasingly left aside. But use the simple act of eating and drinking as an opportunity to be grateful to God for the daily provision received! Who does not thank for a little will not thank you for much?
If you think at some time that you have been very hungry, you will remember that you could not think or function normally, that you felt weak, you might even start to tremble, your mind would become confused and you would have an emotional slump. All this can happen for being only a few hours without eating! We need food to live, think and feel good, therefore, there are many reasons to thank God for our food, for the blessing of placing bread on the table for our family.
Where would we be without food and water? Simply, we would not be here. Nor any member of our family or friends. We would not have this day, nor any tomorrow. Saying the simple magic word, "Thank you God ", before eating or drinking anything is an act of recognition and gratitude for the miracle of food and water.