Day 356 of 365 days
Here we are in December. In March, April and May, we were all just trying to survive and could hardly think what life would be like six months later.
Many of us probably did not believe we would still face these challenges and that Life would 'be back to normal (whatever normal may look like for you). And yet the sun still shines, we are here, we are well (enough), and we have what we need for today.
I am confident that God will continue to show up every day for the rest of my life—even in the coming weeks and months. I look ahead to 2022. Instead of wanting more predictability, more 'return to normal, perhaps there is a small yearning for more exploration, more adventure, more resilience, more orienting myself around the things that truly matter.
Maybe 2021 has been a wake-up call—and invitation to return and renew, recharge, repent, recollect ourselves and be made anew in the image of our Maker. And I am thankful for that.