Day 343 of 365 days
Life isn’t all butterflies and rainbows. This is something we all know painfully well. Reality isn’t something we can run away or take a break from. Mistakes are made, we fall short of our expectations, for ourselves, and no matter how hard we try, things still go wrong.
I know that sometimes life doesn’t make sense but this has allowed us to learn that everything that’s confusing you is also changing you. Everything that’s hurting you is also healing you. Everything that’s burdening you is also teaching you. Bad things happen to everyone. We all fall sometimes, but what matters is that you get back up again. We can look at life’s trials in two ways. One involves letting the hurt and disappointment overtake us and make us into bitter people. Or, we can look at them as an opportunity to improve, learn, have a change of heart, and grow. The choices you make are a testament to the life you live. You can either let difficult situations destroy you or teach you. Life is what you make of it.
Personally, This year life just hit me. The tension had been building, my foot was on the gas, but the car wasn’t in gear. My advice is to stop running and give yourself a moment. Let your body be. I like to think that for every bad thing that happens, something good will find its way to you. Because life is not meant to add up, it’s not meant to have a final answer and it’s not meant to be all figured out.
Life can be more powerful than us but we still know how to win. We know how to battle. We know how to rally after the hardest setbacks. We know how to fight back. So maybe we just need to slow down. Seek inspiration at a sensitive time of growth and personal development, take time to think and practice letting life fill every inch of you! Inhale the good stuff and exhale the Bad side!
Even the smartest people who seem like nothing could go wrong in their lives will be wrong sometimes. Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes you feel as if you are on top of the world, other times you feel as if everyone or everything has turned against you.
Stop running. Stop chasing. Stop trying too hard and stop choosing to suffer because of what others put us through or what life did to us. Choose positivity. Grow in the ups, and grow in the downs. Everything will be okay.